Thursday, February 03, 2005

Hasta la vista!

Part of accepted life as an exchange student are the "goodbyes". We are in the midst of a changeover period and many of the people we have come to know and love over the past two weeks (has it really only been two weeks?!) are leaving us and, let's face it, we'll probably never see them again. It is a little sad in the halls of the C-building lately, but promise of "fresh meat" lifts spirits a little bit too. The Italians have been replaced for the most part with spaniards and now at floor parties, instead of grappa, there is sangria. i am fine with this change! At floor dinner, instead of pasta, there is potato omellettes...and pasta still. i think pasta is the universal student meal. just now the sauce is no good.
My travails at the gym are paying off...I am feeling much better about myself. Drinking has been reduced from a steady pour to a healthy trickle and I have found the inner strength to leave a party before the hour of 6:30. Now I am home at the much more civil hour of 5:00.
Carnival is just around the corner, and Cameron, Erin and I are going as bugs. I am a lady bug, Erin is butterfly and Cameron is a bee. yes, they are just cop-out wing-costumes. This weeks mission is to put the finishing touches on. Next weekend, we had plans to go to barcelona, but we were a little late and the trip is now slightly cost prohibitive. So instead, we are heading to Amsterdam for Chinese New Year. There is also talk of taking the highspeed train to Paris overnight or the ferry to London. We're basically up for anything as long as we get out of Maastricht. time to stretch our legs a little.
Bad news, I have a sore throat and persistent cough. The weather here is very damp and although the temperature is not quite as extreme as the ol t-dot, it is the kind of cool that goes straight to your skeleton. i have to search out vitamins and try to get on top of this. since missing school is strictly forbidden, i am not about to use my two freebies on an illness when there is valuable travelling to be done.
and that's it for today. still have readings. I am still in that "i am going to do all my work this time" phases that starts any semester. best laid plans...


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