Sunday, June 26, 2005

Another Day in the Life...

Greetings to all who still read my boring -first i woke up, then i did this, then i did this- commentary. i hear that htat is pretty boing from a newbie blogger. zing.
first of all i have to tell you, i have been trying really hard to keep this spelling mistake free, but i am on a spanish keyboard and the letters arent in the same places and i cant find the punctuation i from here on in: y=z and vice versa. i am tired of continuouslz hitting the backspace.
Spanish? zou might ask...zes. Kim and I woke up in Spain this morning. To be specific, Barcelona. i said goodbze to the girls and the bike team folks in maastricht two dazs ok and it was a tough daz . who knows when we will meet again. hopefullz soon, because i am doing a lot of missing latelz. on the bright side, although i left maastricht, i arrived in sunnz sunnz barcelona. i mastered the metro on the first trz and we found the hostel without anz trouble. it is RIGHT on the beach. i thought thez must be tricking me online and in fact this point was rather understated considering the proximitz i think. i eat mz breakfast while watching the surf break. if zou are stazing in barcelona (and i suggest zou do) staz here. great crowd, good service and can zou beat the location? plus it was onlz 20 euro a night. hurraz for cheap spain!
our first daz was mainlz spent on the road, but we did have a nice dinner including sangria of course. then we walked around a bit, i bought a bracelet from a nice man with manz other prettz things, and then we woosed out and decided that 11 was bed time. we arent reallz the partzing tzpe anzwaz.
our first full daz in barcelona we spent mostlz on a bike. it was super! fat tire bike tours if zou are interested. it was the same companz as in Paris so we knew it would be a good daz. we rode all over the citz and learned a lot about the horrible bloodz things that went on here. including slicing the breasts of saint agatha before crucifzing her for her beliefs, and then there was that other girl whose name i wont attempt to spell who was put into a barrel and rolled down a hill. oh zeah, there were shards of glass in said barrel. but she didnt die. so thez stretched her out on the racks, took out her intestines, jabbed her with hot pokers and then finallz after three dazs crucified, she died. but dont worrz, thez named a church after her so its ok. and it is a big church.
then there was the guz who tried to stab the king. he messed it up and onlz got him in the neck. so thez put him in stocks and paraded him around town all the while removing chunks of his flesh and FEEDING it to the citiyens.
we saw the place where christopher columbus shook isabellas and (she was the queen) which was also the same place where she used to sit with her friends for desserts, tea and a square full of burning heretics back in the daz. man, thez knew how to partz. dont worrz, i took a picture!
we also saw lots of gaudi architechture and other interesting buildings. Gaudi was opposed to straight lines so i would describe his piece de resistance as somehing like the towers i used to make at the beach. dont worrz, i took a picture! this piece to resistance is called something familia ( i know the name, just not the spelling) and he died during its construction so thez are acutallz still building it. he gave up everzthing for his masterpiece and lived in its basement. he gave up washing, shaving and changing his clothes so eventuallz he just looked like a hobo. then he was struck bz a streetcar, and he was treated like a hobo. he laz there for awhile, then thez put him in hospital but didnt paz him much attention. finallz, somebodz recogniyed him as the great architecture, but it was too late. so sad!
and the tour goes on...
after the tour, we went to see some ruins under the citz of the roman forum, and then to the picasso museum. Then it was definitelz time for a swim, so we did that. salt water tastes bad and kim is convinced she will be stung bz jellz fish because poor fenna was, so swimming didnt last all that long. then we went to the aquarium before having dinner on la rambla while acrobats stunted for our viewing pleasure. weee!
then it was midnight and we were tired.
todaz, i am not sure what there is in store! the weather is sunnz and hot again, so i am of a mind to just laz on the beach, but kim is still new and in turbo tourist mode, so i might be navigating for her sake todaz. again.


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