Friday, March 11, 2005

a Music Note...

I have a small favour to ask. If anyone has spare time, I would love love love mixed CDs. love love love them. can't stress enough. I have no preference about what is on them, and in fact, would be more curious about what you might listen to, or what is even popular in Canada right now, because I garuntee it isn't Schnappi or Annuk. (did anyone try downloading that stuff?? what did you think?) I got some from Thorsten before I left which were almost full of music I hadn't heard before and I have had a lot of fun learning all the songs! Even something classical would be great for studying. I don't have any way to make my own, so I just thought I would put this out there.
My address is Guesthouse, Universiteit Maastricht, PO box 1253, 6201 BG Maastricht, Netherlands


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