Saturday, March 05, 2005

What are your thoughts?

The other day at school in my advertising class, we discussed this ad and tried to come to a conclusion as to wether or not it is "ethical". I open it up to you.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey kristen, so i thought that commercial was friggin' fabulous. I never want to have a screaming french kid- effective marketing! anyways, i love reading all about your crazy adventures in good ol' holland! i want to go back soo badly! have you visitied FEBO yet? god that was great drunk food.

4:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm not sure ethics are drawn into the discussion of this commercial at all. Sure the add implicates something silly and illogical but disagreeing with the message does not necessarily mean disagreement with the "ethics". Personally I can't see ANY ethical implications. If he had worn a condom he still might have created a whiny kid by choice 2 years later. He doesn't hit or do anything to the kid, and if he had done something in reaction I would have applauded. Even if he spanked the kid right there I doubt it would be an ethical dilemma. The moral is not "do not strike the child to teach it", the LOGICAL moral is "do not strike the child when undeserving and do the absolute minimum necessary to warrant effect". As no logical morals (face it, people have all kinds of rediculous codes to live by that make absolutely no sense)have been broken, there is no room for ethical disagreement.

I like the commercial, sure it doesn't make all that much sense, but it gets the message across anyways, and thats what advertising is all about.

4:52 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Hey Lauren! YES, i made it to FEBO, but it was a fight. My friend Fenna was all about NOT going to Febo and so everytime we passed we'd get into an argument about whether or not it is digusting (it is, really lets be honest). Finally she relented and I did get my FEBO fix. You can only get FEBO brand in Amsterdam, but I found out that they are actually called frikendels or croquets or something like that. i love deep fried mystery meat.
PS, you want to come back, so come back. you can bunk with me. still talk to jörgen? (or however you spell it...)

11:08 AM  

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