Saturday, April 09, 2005

What's new?? (and old...for shame...)

So i have fallen into bad habit on the blogging front. so sorry. Baiscally, with the end of the last block taking up all my time through associated papers and exams, then my holiday, i just didn't have play-time on the internet. As I mentioned, I am finished with block 4 at UCM. thank goodness, because globalisation was really getting me down. unfortunately, i might not be done with it afterall. for shame, i might have failed. it is as funny as it is sad. i am attributing it to the fact that the teacher pretty much hates me. rightly so. sometimes i have been known to have a bit of a mouth on me, and i might have let run a little much. anyway, i didn't find out about my academic predicament until it was too late, so such is life. luckily, at UCM you get more than enough chances to make the credit. I think you can resit exams until you do pass and there isn't even a fee for that! u of t made up some "admin" fee for their rewrites costing students with legitmate reasons for missing exams an additional $ if those types of students didn't have enough stress. anyway, hopefully it doesn't come to that.
The advertising class Erin and i took ended on a good note. we have the highest marks in the class (final mark still pending...shouldn't speak too soon i guess) and love our tutor. he knows pretty much everything there is to know about the world of business. or at least it would seem so to my untrained self. he does have a doctorate though. I put the finishing touches on our project which i thought was pretty good, and handed it in thus ending block 4.
Block five is so far so good. much more challenging this block which is actually nice. i think it is nice because i actually like the material so far. I am taking a course called "bloody diversity" which is basically European history with a focus on state formation and evolution from the middle ages until the 2nd world war. it is really intense with lots of reading but also loaded with touristy things to do!! i used to be a history geek back in the day and it is all coming back to me now. "wow...I am standing where Charlemagne stood...that's something". The other course is a beautiful accident in scheduling and bureacratic idiocy. Apparently it was cancelled, but no one told Erin and I (who are once again in the same class...). So we raised a stink and got it reinstated on an independent study basis. It is gothic fiction by the way. so in the end, we only have to meet with our tutor once per week for an hour instead of the 6 + lectures of normal courses. Then we write a crazy long paper but to me it is a good trade. less time in class is more time on the bike, or travelling.
Speaking of the bike, things are going well. I had a minor scare last week which had me losing sleep both due to pain and anxiety. My knee wouldn't bend all the way nor straighten so i decided to see a doctor just to be safe. She told me I had a cyst!! and that it would probably have to be removed!!!! so she sent me off to an orthopedic surgeon for tests etc. but a half week after our meeting. In those three days i convinced myself of all kinds of crazy ailments. I saw the surgeon man who seemed more interested in getting home to his family than my tumour laden knee (which was probably leading to amputation or at least major surgery). He told me to take some pills and go to physio. In my experience, that's doctor talk for "don't worry about it". so i am not. it doesn't hurt anymore and if it does, i'll think about the pills. in the words of rowing coach Rob, "Physio is for fags".
Speaking of rowing, YAY. see previous post. more updates as they become available.
So what else....
if i sift through the cobwebs of my memory, i think i recall a trip to the beach i didn't tell you about yet. Erin me and Marco all hopped into his car when the first of the good weather came and went to Den Haag for the day to hang out on the seaside. It was a great day all in all...we played frisbee, kicked the soccer ball, watched the people on their horses galloping up and down the beach and wished it was us, read and snoozed on our blanket. We also saw a foot race that was making it difficult for us to have lunch at the mexican place we'd selected as we had to cut through this river of athletes. stalling, i took pictures of erin pretending to be a participant, and she grabbed some of me highfiving the willing. the one thing i haven't mentioned is that although we were promised mid 22 and sunny, it was more like 12 and grey. the fog was so thick the foghorn didn't get a break for the entire day. but the mexican place we eventually got to was great.
I would show you the photos of me and erin at the beach, however they are lost. my portable hard drive is the news this week: it crapped out. are we surprised? no. i am cursed. anyway, i have lost a lot of photos including the ones you haven't seen of monaco and a lot of school work, recipes, mp3s, movies, my "homesick" sad. luckily, most of my photos have been backed up on Cam and Fenna's computers, so don't worry. not all is lost. the do-dad is under warranty so hopefully when i get home all will be remedied.
I am not sure what else I have to say that isn't too humdrum to keep you interested, so I will sign off here. But wait...I can't end on that sad note, so here is some more good news: Cyclepath on Bloor is giving me a jersey to wear to races and stuff thus adopting me as one of their own. The other benefits of this arrangement will manifest themselves in a sweet discount on a new fiets when i get home, so i am supremely excited about that. hopefully I am fast enough to deserve said team and jersey...time will tell!! thanks sweet pete's!


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